Monday, May 10, 2010

Padilla Bay Trail

on saturday i went out to padilla bay to walk their shore trail. i brought my camera along with me to talk some photos, but left it in the car because i didn't want to carry it all along the trail. i should have just gotten it after i was done walking and taken some photos, but by the time i finished i was tired and wanted to go home. the light also wasn't as good as it had been when i got there! i saw a lot of amazing things, though. quite a few herons, which are my very favorite bird, including some flying. have you ever seen a heron fly? they give me the willies a little (honestly, most of my favorite animals do. i have the same reaction to deep sea cephalopods.). they're just so...pterodactyl looking in flight. it's not hard to believe that dinosaurs became birds when you see a heron come swooping down from the sky. i also saw a bunch of rabbits, some swallows, a few terns and a whole bunch of cute dogs walking around with their people. i hit the park at about 6:30 in the evening; i kind of like to take my walks later in the day. it was still nice and sunny, and the trail wasn't too overly populated with other walkers and runners.

the padilla bay trail is 2 and a quarter miles each way, all flat, gravel trail. on one side you have skagit farmland, and on the other you have estuary flats. the trail itself is built on the dike, and it's a nice, easy trail for walking. i saw lots of families out wandering around, and if you just want to go out for a stroll, they also have benches for sitting and admiring the view as well as port-a-potties at the end of the trail and at the parking lot at the head of it.

distance walked: 4 and 1/2 miles
time: 1 hour and 20 mins
listened to: mos dub and some lady gaga. i'm telling you, gaga is great for walking!

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